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As I said on th first page we hope we can offer to serve you reallly well and that you stay with us as we grow our business up and up to help you as well - But this is just a beggining we will build it up better soon and Im sure it will be good we enjoy giving people the service they need and we hope you will stay with us for a long time as mentioned above. Over tine I sure you will see this web site grow or the site it may point to grow really well stay around and enjoy the ride im sure you will find it exciting. Its going to be a good we can expect over time that as this site or the site it points too, which has the same business anyway will develop more and more and that things will grow to a good extent. It doesnt matter where you come from or what you do you can participate in this im sure you will enjoy the experience once you get to know it. It has been a while now since this business was decided upon but i just wanted to show what it might be like to give you the idea now but it is being built upon and acted upon to be built up now we will keep you posted as time goes on but this is just to get you started to show you advance how ad what we are going to do with this site and how we intend to manage and run the business. But as I said we are starting to build it now and we are have been working on it for a long time already but we just wanted to get the sight in public view so that people can get used to the idea of what we are doing here. We hope as I said that you will be ecited about it all as we are too. This may be a start but it will grow we think into a good business which I think you wil agree wil be a great benifit to those involved or those who want to join. So in time when we finish buiding itIm sure you will find it a great site to use as I said above. Things take a little time as we know but this is the way to build things by simply starting somewhere and building ad building peice by piece.It not might be built in one day but it will be built and when when finish you wil enjoy the service we offer to show you what is happeing. As I said Things take a little time as we know but this is the way to build things by simply starting somewhere and building ad building peice by piece.It not might be built in one day but it will be built and when when finish you wil enjoy the sevice we offer to show you what is happeing.Our service is to enable merchants who are already running search engines advertising campaigns to reach a higher rank position for their search ads on any search engine advertising campaign run by major search engines such as yahoo google or microsoft search. We also help merchants to increase the frequency of exposure of their ads so that their search ads will be shown more frequently. We will achieve merchants to reach higher rank and also more frequent advertisements being shown by allowing merchants to present on our web site the ad campaigns they want to have higher rank on. These are usually merchants who have campaigns already running but we also be accepting merchants who don't yet have ad campaigns running but who want ad campaigns which have a good ranking. After the merchants have presented their campaigns we will allow anyone to join or partner with the merchants by presenting a sign up screen on either our web site or by mobile hand helds with the merchant ad information and criteria for joining in the cost per click campaign or the amount of times the ad is exposed or both types, of the merchants search engine campaigns to share in the cost of the bid on the keyword or keywords the merchant is using for the product to be sold and then ultimately share in the profit from the sales of products or services by getting paid commission on the merchants sales based on the amount of cost that the partners put into the campaign. The commission are dependent on what the merchants agree to offer and what the partners will accept so that both the merchants and partners will agree to these amount beforehand. As I said Things take a little time as we know but this is the way to build things by simply starting somewhere and building ad building peice by piece.It not might be built in one day but it will be built and when when finish you wil enjoy the sevice we offer to show you what is happeing. so i hope you see that we are building something exciting here and that we can point you to a good web site to that will also be presentignt he same bussines but that is another day or time since we are building that too and when that is finished.As I said on th first page we hope we can offer to serve you reallly well and that you stay with us as we grow our business up and up to help you as well - But this is just a beggining we will build it up better soon and Im sure it will be good we enjoy giving people the service they need and we hope you will stay with us for a long time as mentioned above. Over tine I sure you will see this web site grow or the site it may point to grow really well stay around and enjoy the ride im sure you will find it exciting.





Shareabid 12th Feb 2007